Involvement in the Community
Avidity Dance Studio
Avidity Dance Studio has offered to host a social skills group at their dance studio in Layton for iBehave Therapy Group. Avidity Dance Studio is a non-profit organization that provides classes for all ages and abilities.
Shear Envy Salon
The staff at Sheer Envy Salon are working with iBehave Therapy group to make the hair cutting experience more positive and less intimidating.
Fire Department
iBehave Therapy Group has joined with the fire department to educate them on Autism and other developmental disabilities. The fire department has opened their facilities to iBehave Therapy Group for “field trips and exploration.
Utah Parent Center
The mission of the Utah Parent Center (UPC or Center) is to help parents help their children, youth and young adults with all disabilities to live included, productive lives as members of the community.We accomplish our mission by providing accurate information, empathetic peer support, valuable training and effective advocacy based on the concept of parents helping parents. View story to watch a short video about the Utah Parent Center and the resources available.
Guardianship of Utah
Guardianship Associates of Utah (GAU) is a non-profit organization. GAU provides direct Guardianship, Conservator and Trust services to individuals who have been deemed by a court of law to be incapacitated, incompetent or legally disabled. GAU contracts directly with the Office of Public Guardian in the State of Utah to provide services to individuals. GAU also provide private pay guardianship and conservator services for a fee.
Big MAK’S (Mom’s of Autistic Kids)
“More Support Than A 44DD”
Big MAK’s meet every 2nd Monday of each month from 6-8 p.m. at
Bouncin Off the Walls
398 West 9400 South
Sandy, UT 84070
There are also several other activities throughout the year, especially during the summer.
Autism Council of Utah
The Autism Council of Utah is an independent council working to foster collaboration, communication, and learning among families and agencies. Our aim is to promote access to resources and responsible information for individuals of all ages who have, or are affected by autism, or related conditions.
Basics for Parents 
Your Child’s Evaluation
This publication describes the steps the school system will take to evaluate your child to determine if he or she has a disability and is eligible for special education. 1999, 4 pages.
This information is courtesy of The National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilites.
Parent to Parent Support
Ever wish you could talk to another parent whose child has the same disability as yours? This document describes the Parent to Parent Program, which matches parents in one on one relationships for sharing information, experiences, and emotional and practical support. 2004, 4 pages.
Parent Training and Information Centers
Looking for resources in your state and community? Need information about disabilities, the educational rights of your child, or strategies for being an effective advocate for your child? Call your state’s PTI—the Parent Training and Information Center—or your state’s CPRC—Community Parent Resource Center. This publication will tell you what PTIs and CPRCs do, how they help parents, and how to get in touch with yours. 2003, 4 pages.
Centers for Disease Control
Autism Speaks
National Autism Association
Talk About Curing Autism (TACA)
Great place to start looking into alternative treatments to help reduce the symptoms of autism. |